CloudFolder 1.0
User's manual
No Matches
Global Options

The following options are available globally for all mounted cloud storage.

Cloud Explorer

Minimum wait time before updating a directory listing

Set the minimum time in minutes before a directory listing is updated locally. The default value is five minutes. If files are being modified on the mounted cloud storage directly or from a different location, you may want to decrease this value so that changes on the cloud storage are reflected locally more frequently. Otherwise, you may increase this value.

Minimum wait time before uploading a modified file

Set the minimum wait time in seconds before a newly created or modified file is uploaded to the cloud storage. Note that the wait time could be longer for larger files.

Warn if the number of files to be deleted is more than

If the number of files deleted locally at a time is greater than the set value here, a warning message box will appear asking whether to delete these files from the mounted cloud storage as well. If the response is 'No', no files will be deleted from the cloud storage, and subsequently, they will appear as online files again when the folder containing these files is updated later.

Maximum number of concurrent background file uploads

Set the maximum number of background file uploads that can be run at the same time. Note that there is no limit on the number of downloads or uploads initiated by the user that can be run simultaneously.

Validate file data after downloading with its hash value

Select this option to validate downloaded file data against the hash value, if any, provided by the cloud storage.

Excluded Local Temporary Files

File name patterns added here will be excluded from synchronization with the cloud storage, i.e., these files will not be uploaded to the cloud storage. You can add or edit an excluded path entry in the following dialog box.

Cloud Explorer

Registered file types

Select one or more registered file types to be excluded from uploading, under the selected path name.

Custom file type

Enter or edit file names or extensions, separated by commas, to be excluded from uploading, under the selected path name.

Applies to the path

Select a path name relative to CloudFolder root path name for which file exclusion will be applied.

Applies to all subfolders
Select this option to apply exclusion to all subfolders under the select path name path. Otherwise, it will be applied to selected path name only.